Monday, March 24, 2014

My February Vinegars

Gulf Wars came and went, but my 'vinegars' stayed at home. Lesson learned. Apparently months are needed to brew vinegars in winter.

Good news came this afternoon when I was in my big closet getting supplies and I saw mothers formed on at least 5 of the solutions. The thickest are on the peach (below), pie cherry and chocolate.
The maraschino cherry and pear each have a thin layer; the raspberry and honey appear to have none. The raspberry is in a regular neck mason jar and filled almost to the top so I have to wonder if it's getting enough air. I can't remember if I added any vodka to the honey mixture (another lesson learned - NOTES!), but I can't believe I didn't. I wonder if the anti-bacterial properties of the honey are at play......

Tomorrow I'll check the pH in the 3 with the thickest mother to see if they're ready to stabilize. Fingers crossed!

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